


Thanks for looking at my projects! I mainly code on GitHub but that used to be different! I used to code a lot on scratch, nowdays though, I maily code on GitHub. I also made some cool browser bookmarklets that you can use!

Javascript Stuff

I'm currently working on learning JavaScript. The repo for my JS projects is here. You can see my Javascript projects here! Feel free to check them out!


Bookmarklets have been a great way for me to learn JavaScript. Some of the bookmarklets I have made are listed here!

Delete all cookies stored on the current page

This deletes all the cookies stored by the current page! It's super helpful for quickly signing out of sites, or for sites that use cookies to limit the number of times you can use their services.

javascript: (function() {
    C = document.cookie.split("; ");
    for (d = "." + location.host; d; d = ("" + d).substr(1).match(/\..*$/))
        for (sl = 0; sl < 2; ++sl)
            for (p = "/" + location.pathname; p; p = p.substring(0, p.lastIndexOf('/')))
                for (i in C)
                    if (c = C[i]) {
                        document.cookie = c + "; domain=" + d.slice(sl) + "; path=" + p.slice(1) + "/" + "; expires=" + new Date((new Date).getTime() - 1e11).toGMTString()

Search the Scratch Forums

This utilizes a google custom search I made to search the scratch forums for anything! It works super well and is very helpful! Also, it opens in a new window so you don't leave the current page!

javascript: (function () {
  var targetUrl =
  new Promise((setQuery) => {
    var input = window.prompt("What are you searching for?");
    if (input) setQuery(input);
  }).then((query) => window.open(targetUrl + query));

Open the current scratch project in forkphorus

Forkphorus is an awesome scratch project player made by GarboMuffin on scratch. It compiles the scratch project to JavaScript so that it can run amazingly smoothly.

javascript: url = window.location.href;
window.open("https://forkphorus.github.io/app.html?id=" + url.substring(33))

Skip the YouTube ad that's playing

When an ad starts playing, just click this and YouTube will skip it! Be carefull not to click it on the actual video though, it'll speed up all the way through it!


Set an animated thumbnail for a scratch project

Thanks to World_Languages for the actual code for this.

javascript: x = document.createElement("script");
x.src = "//is.gd/thumb2";
void document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(x);

Edit the current webpage! (Better than inspect element)

This literally lets you edit the webpage as if you just put it into microsoft word lol. (Also links still click and stuff, so that's sort of tricky!)

javascript: document.body.contentEditable = 'true';
document.designMode = 'on';
void 0

Enable text selection

Don't you just hate it when websites don't let you copy anything!

javascript: (function() {
    function R(a) {
        ona = "on" + a;
        if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener(a, function(e) {
            for (var n = e.originalTarget; n; n = n.parentNode) n[ona] = null;
        }, true);
        window[ona] = null;
        document[ona] = null;
        if (document.body) document.body[ona] = null;

Search for the current webpage in the WayBack machine

We've all encountered broken links. This fixes it super quickly!

javascript: void(location.href = 'http://web.archive.org/web/*/' + escape(location.href));

That's all for now!

Thanks for checking my website out and looking at these bookmarklets! Maybe they will come in handy!