Note: This is now outdated, go here instead 😄

Hi there! Welcome to my website! I am a 14 year old coder, guitarist and an avid reader! I really like to make stuff on scratch I like to code a bunch of 3d stuff in a software called Blender. Recently I have moved a way from scratch a little bit and worked more on coding in python and HTML/CSS/JavaScript. You can find my projects over on my GitHub account. In my spare time I like to code, read, play guitar, and.... Code more. 🤦 Right now I am working with a few other scratchers to code an amazing (okay, of course I'd think that) browser extension. It pretty much gives you scratch superpowers! This includes searching blocks, seeing how much a project is loaded, viewing deleted comments and much more! You can check that out over on the ScratchAddons official website or on the GitHub repository for it.

Contact me
Feel free to contact me through email, on my GitHub account or on Scratch.
I have a bunch of projects that I've made so far, you can check them all out here.
Testing blockquotes